This is going to be a totally disconnected post about random things that have happened lately.
First of all............
I'm on a dietBut doesn't my lunch look yummy?

HUGE?(This is today's scrumminess)

And the diet has really worked as I have lost 12 1/2 lbs in just 4 weeks
shame there a eleventyhundred more pounds still to be lost :o(
Another recent event (as in, yesterday) is that Fred has now moved up to the Junior School

which seems really strange as he's "my baby" and surely can't be old enough for Juniors?

Good job he really loves it already and is very happy to be at school with Daisy again.
And Dot was very happy as she didn't have to start school yesterday until 11.15!

But she is less happy today as she has been off poorly with a streaming cold (but fortunately no sign of any piggy tail!!!) And yes, I really mean that she was unhappy to miss school! That's my girl!
On the Sunday of the Bank Holiday weekend at the end of August we travelled our furthest from home in the last 7 weeks and went the 70 miles to
Holy Island.

where they were having a Viking exhibition in the Priory grounds

(although we were too tight-fisted/broke to pay the entry fees and so watched from the cliff tops!)
Amazingly we actually bumped into one of my brothers on the island! I had forgotten that they were having a holiday up there over the weekend. It was lovely to see him and his family, especially as we haven't seen them for a while.

We had lots of fun walking round the island, being shot at by the children,

being taller than the castle,

and lolling about on the boat-launching-thingummy

before bumping into my brother again and going off for a cup of tea!
Meanwhile the allotment has been badly neglected this summer as the Little Lockets have pretty much refused to go anymore! So I have one nice photo for you........

and one awful one that shows just how bad it is looking at the moment :o(

I'm feeling completely overwhelmed by it all again. Stupidly I think I prefer it when it is barren and empty - at least then the weeds are manageable!!! ;o)
But I am going to leave you today with a beautiful photo of a different subject matter entirely.....

I just love this sandy-I'm-wearing-my-brand-new-beret-on-the-beach-girl photo!