.....................happened yesterday at work.
At least, I thought it was exciting,
especially in the context of my usual days full of emails and admin.
But more of that later!
First I need to tell you about my lovely lovely friend Anna
(who I'm sure is probably your lovely lovely friend Anna too seeing as she really is so super lovely)
(picture pinched from Anna's blog - hope you don't mind Anna?!)
because we received a gorgeous and totally unexpected parcel of goodies from her on Saturday!

To say that the children were ecstatic is a bit of an understatement!
And the funny thing is that I was actually out in the sewing room when the parcel arrived, cutting the gorgeous Christmas fabrics that Anna gave me LAST October when we met up in Edinburgh!
I'm using this tutorial by Crazy Mom Quilts to turn these strips
into a zigzag quilt for Christmas - and I'm loving it, even if the photos are awful!
So Anna, THANK YOU..............
for our halloween goodies
my gorgeous fabrics
and especially for being such a lovely friend!
Please come and visit the UK again soon!
Now, back to my other exciting happenings.........................
................I was busy at work yesterday when one of the students on the MA that I am programme secretary for called at the office.
We happened to get chatting and somehow it came out that we were both crafty/sew-y/knitty types.........................
and then she pulled her sock knitting out of her bag and said "this is the Mystery Sock I am doing at the moment"
So I said "Oooooh! Is it by Through the Loops? My friend is doing that pattern."
And do you know what?
It was!
And we had a lovely time chatting about patterns and woolshops and Ravelry etc with me looking over my shoulder to check I wasn't going to be called back to my desk!!!
Now I know that in the great scheme of things that isn't really all that exciting.
But it was to ME,
and to have my two worlds of YAY-crafting and Oh-but-do-I-HAVE-to-working overlap like that was truly fab!
The only problem was that I REALLY didn't want to go back to work afterwards!
So M, if you do happen to look at my blog, thanks for improving my day dramatically yesterday!
Finally, after all that chat, I will leave you with some photos of my latest knitting
A Kaffe Fassett pattern called, for some weird reason, Tainted Scarf, knitted first in a fairly chunky wool - um, Venezia I think

and then in the most gorgeous 4 ply sock wool

(handwash only, which is why I'm not knitting socks with it!)
especially in the context of my usual days full of emails and admin.
But more of that later!
First I need to tell you about my lovely lovely friend Anna
(who I'm sure is probably your lovely lovely friend Anna too seeing as she really is so super lovely)

because we received a gorgeous and totally unexpected parcel of goodies from her on Saturday!

To say that the children were ecstatic is a bit of an understatement!
And the funny thing is that I was actually out in the sewing room when the parcel arrived, cutting the gorgeous Christmas fabrics that Anna gave me LAST October when we met up in Edinburgh!

for our halloween goodies
my gorgeous fabrics
and especially for being such a lovely friend!
Please come and visit the UK again soon!
Now, back to my other exciting happenings.........................
................I was busy at work yesterday when one of the students on the MA that I am programme secretary for called at the office.
We happened to get chatting and somehow it came out that we were both crafty/sew-y/knitty types.........................
and then she pulled her sock knitting out of her bag and said "this is the Mystery Sock I am doing at the moment"
So I said "Oooooh! Is it by Through the Loops? My friend is doing that pattern."
And do you know what?
It was!
And we had a lovely time chatting about patterns and woolshops and Ravelry etc with me looking over my shoulder to check I wasn't going to be called back to my desk!!!
Now I know that in the great scheme of things that isn't really all that exciting.
But it was to ME,
and to have my two worlds of YAY-crafting and Oh-but-do-I-HAVE-to-working overlap like that was truly fab!
The only problem was that I REALLY didn't want to go back to work afterwards!
So M, if you do happen to look at my blog, thanks for improving my day dramatically yesterday!
Finally, after all that chat, I will leave you with some photos of my latest knitting
A Kaffe Fassett pattern called, for some weird reason, Tainted Scarf, knitted first in a fairly chunky wool - um, Venezia I think

and then in the most gorgeous 4 ply sock wool

(handwash only, which is why I'm not knitting socks with it!)