Wednesday, 19 May 2010

The reason I haven't blogged for ages... .....

..............isn't because I have been kidnapped or grounded or banned from using the computer for 3 weeks (although that could always happen) but is instead because we've been really busy "doing stuff" to the house.

Unfortunately the "stuff" isn't quite finished so I'm not going to show you yet - even though I'm SURE you are all DESPERATE to know what changes we've been making! ;o)

So I thought you could have some sneak peeks first
along with some other really interesting (!) and very BROWN photos of a new resident in Locketland.

Now isn't that a beautiful little cupboard-y thingummy?


You don't think it's gorgeous?

Hmmm. Neither does Mr Locket.

But this isn't just any old little cupboard-y thingummy.........................

Oh no! If you look a bit closer you notice hinges in unusual places:

.......... so what happens if you lift the top piece?

Oooooooooooh! There's something in there!

And if you open the doors you notice some interesting clobber which would definitely get in the way if you opened up the doors to put your books or "stuff" inside.

Woohooo! What's inside?????

(ok, so I know you've all guessed already but humour me here please.......)

It's a BEAUTIFUL old treddle sewing machine!

And it works!

(well, I think it would, if only the belt hadn't snapped as soon as I tried it....)

and the top flappy thingy becomes the sewing table............

and the door has special swingy drawer thingys with exciting somethingorothers inside...... all these AMAZING foot attachments!

And what makes it even more FABULOUS is that it cost me the grand total of................


In fact, I RESCUED IT!

It's true, this little beauty was on it's way to the TIP!

Can you believe it?

Wouldn't you have been compelled to rescue it too?

(Please say yes, Mr Locket needs convincing that this was an act of mercy rather than insanity!)

Lucy xxxx

P.S. Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE my new job?????


{Leila}Where the Orchids Grow said...

I love it, and I so would have rescued it! You can tell mr Locket that :-)
I used to have one in my bedroom when I was a little girl and I learned to sew on it. oh the memories.. lol
Enjoy your find.

monda-loves said...

wow wee! What a super duper lovely free rescue job you've done there. If it isn't too blasphemous to say, you could paint the cabinet. I saw a similar thing here and it really did turn out to be very pretty:


dottycookie said...

The TIP?!!!!! Sacrilege.

We used to have one when I was likttle too. I wish I knew where it had gone - must ask my mum but I must admit I'm a little frightened to hear the answer!

Mrs Moog said...

Oh wow Locket!!! You know I'm a sucker for old sewing machines and that one's a beauty. I'm sure you'l be able to get a replacement belt for it and it'll be a perfect machine for the children to sew on. Love all those gadgety things too.

Fab sneaky peaks - where is that bedlinen from? I love it! Need lots more photos though and as soon as possible please thank you.


Unknown said...

yes, I would have rescued it too. Poor little thing.

So your new job...what is it? Are you a bin lady?

French Knots said...

Of course you had to rescue it! What a brilliant find,real treasure! Hope you get it going soon.xx

periwinkle said...

yes I would have rescued it too - nice " find " Mrs L ....

JuliaB said...

O. M. G.!!!!!!!! You LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY DEVIL!!!! Be still my beating heart ...

I am green .. a deep shade of british racing green.

What an amazing find! I might have to go to the tip myself tomorrow .. just on the offchance!! x

JuliaB said...

Oh.. btw.. if you go on the Singer Website, armed with the serial number from the machine, you will be able to find out when it was made! and where! Do let us know if you find out xx

JuliaB said...

err... me again! just to say .. In my latest issue of Threads, which arrived on my doormat only yesterday, there are a few pages of instructions on how to use vintage presser feet ..How strange eh? Anyway, if you send me your address, i'll copy them and send them to you.


Annie said...

WOW, NO WAY could you NOT have rescued such a treasure!!!! It's amazing - Lucky you!!!!

Jan said...

How wondeful you lucky girl ,I would have rescued it too Jan xx

silverpebble said...

Wow Lucy - that is a TREASURE.

wonderwoman said...

o wow, it is just gorgeous and definitely worth rescuing!!! luckyyou!!


Michaela said...

Yes, I love it, but Mr stressy would definitely side with Mr Locket! Oh, and the top photo looks like a cot to me. Do we need to send in our congratulations?

Michelle said...

Oh I am in treadle Love...
My grandma taught me to sew on a singer treadle machine...
I adore them...
Love your sneak peeks too...
Very pretty indeed...

Jo in TAS said...

What a bargain!! I'd have rescued it too. I agree that it's sacrilege to put anything "singer" on the tip. Your reno is looking splendid!!

Ally Jay said...

What a fabulous find.. I am puce with envy at your luck. It is truly beautiful enjoy. Hope you can get the belt fixed somehow.

Joy said...

I'm totally TOTALLY in love with your 'new' very brown cupboardy thingummy ... and all it's flappy thingies and somethingorothers!!!!
What a fabulous find ..... I'm GREEN!!!!!
Joy :o)

sewkalico said...

DEFINITELY worth rescuing!!!!!

Lina said...

For what it's worth, I totally would have rescued it too. It'd be criminal not too! Look forward to seeing all the 'stuff' you've been up to!

Anonymous said...

Great rescue! Of course you saved it. And now we all want one!

marit said...

WOW! Definitely worth rescuing!!! My mom has one almost identical at home, I might get that one some time... I rescued one only a couple of weeks ago- it's a Singer threadle machine, but not with that fancy cabinet. Enjoy! Oh, and I'm sure the internet might know where to pick up spareparts too?

Kitty said...

Someone was sending that to the TIP?:-O Good heavens, thank Crunchie you were there to rescue it. Public service, that's what it was.

Oh and the sneaky peeks look gorgeous. x

Margaret Price said...

Lucky you, tell Mr Lockettt that he won't need to look at it cos soon it will be covered in "stuff", and the kids will have fun with it, and it will make you happy.
Margaret in Australia

trash said...

Once you give it a bit of love and a polish would he not just be in love with it because of the grain? Once you have tracked down its age I reckon you could probably sell it to him on archaeolgical merit of the dendrochronilogy in those timbers. Make hima timeline or something.

Why yes! I DO have a background in selling odd notions, ideas and things to inhouse scientists.

trash said...

No no! DON'T listen to Monda. DON'T paint the cabinet. Please. Some polish and buffing will make it beautiful and gorgeous.

sandra said...

My mother had one just like it. We used it for a long time, don't know what finally happened to it. Maybe it went overseas and now it's yours!!

ladydi said...

I would have rescued it, too, even though we have absolutely no more space. (Honey, you don't really need so many guitar amplifiers, do you?) I have to say I thought the same thing Michaela did about the cot. See how rumors spread?? Let me know if you can't find a belt for it. We're not too far from Amish country, where everyone uses treadle sewing machines.

Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful old sewing machine! My goodness, mum and I used to have an old wrought iron-based Singer table, but mum chucked it when we moved house - there was nothing I could do to convice her to keep it *sobs*

Even if it doesn't work, it's still a pleasure to own something as wonderful as that - no doubt it's worth a few bob too :-)

Claire x

PS: Love your blog by the way - I used to be a silent reader, but no more!

Helen said...

Fantastic Lucy!! I can't imagine you without it . . . well done!! Love Helen xx

Gaby said...

i would have totally rescued it!
nice post!

Middle Cottage Diary said...

Mr Locket please appreciate the engineering and craftsmanship that has gone into procuding get rid would be sacriliege.

Hopefully he will listen to me with 'man' reason. No need for him to know I am gay and enjoy crafts!

Mistea said...

She sure is a gorgeous addition to your beautiful sewing space and of course you needed to rescue her from such a fate.

Oh and I thought you had been missing because of all your touring down under - I saw you at the Stitches and Craft show in Melbourne earlier this month.

Enjoy your find.

Gina said...

It's fabulous... I have one almost identical that I rescued from a friend who was going to dump it! I keep it opened up in my living room!

LiEr said...

Lucy! I am so jealous! And also happy for you, of course. But mostly jealous. Mutter, mutter, mutter. What a find! And what a treat that it works! I love sewing on a treadle. In fact, I sewed on one for most of my sewing life. I still love it but mine is stuck in Singapore because my FATHER wants to keep using it!!!!! Of course you must keep it. No matter what Mr L says!!

Also, happy birthday to beautiful, beautiful Daisy! She IS gorgeous! And lucky to be a Locket! Because she now has access to a treadle sewing machine!

Sue Wild said...

Bought back memories, my mum had a treadle machine similar to that which lived in our dining room, when I was young. I tried and tried to sew with it but at 11 years old at the time could not press hard enough to work the treadle. She borrowed my Nan's Singer which was hand cranked, with a wooden dome case, which I could manage. Later she sold the treadle machine for a new-fangled electric with not just straight stitch, but zigzag too! That was in the late 60's. I hope you enjoy your treadle,what a lovely cabinet it's in.

julie said...

It's lovely to have you around again! And you've been busy - the sneak peeks are gorgeous! What a super find as well - you must have been over the moon to have spotted that!

Leanne said...

Great rescue Lucy, I remember sewing on one just like that and breaking lots of needles when you accidentally treadle backwards.