I think I'm definitely going to go for the Amy Butler patchwork cushions on the sofa - they look so nice and "Spring-y" in the window - so I'll just have to make some different cushions for the blue sofa.
I cut out the squares for my Amy Butler quilt so that I could see what fabric scraps I'd have left over for other things. By the way, these fabrics were the ones I got from Mr Locket for Christmas (ok, he had a bit of help choosing them) and they are listed in my favourite Etsy items if you are interested in the design/colour details. I got 14 fat quarters and they are lasting very well with the addition (on the cushions) of some pieces I bought locally from her Midwest Modern Range.
this is the layout for the centre of the quilt (each block is 6 inches square) - very simple - but I just love the way the fabrics combine and merge into each other so I don't think they need much fussing with. But I want to add a border - probably about 4 inches wide before I add the binding. So it's back to you guys again:
Should I use white? Or should I used one of the prints? If so, do you think it should be this one?
I like the colour and I like the fact that it is a fairly "unobtrusive" print compared to some of the other bolder patterns.
What do you think?
I haven't done any other sewing yet this week but I have been busy with my knitting when I've had the chance. This is how far I have got with my sock (because I had to unravel the heel flap bit because I'd read the wrong number of stitches on the pattern - whoops!)
I just love the colours in this wool - I have to admit that I have tweaked the photo a bit in Picasa so it probably shouldn't be this bright - but it's so very pretty!!!
While I am typing this, Dot is sitting behind me having her guitar lessons. I love this half hour on a Wednesday (this is the second) because her teacher plays her loads of music both on his mp3 and on his guitar (he's very good) and he has found out the kind of music we all listen too so I'm listening in to Bob Marley, Bob Dylan, The Beatles and all sorts of good stuff. He is also SO positive and full of praise for how Dot is playing - a really good teacher.
Meanwhile I can hear some muffled giggles from the hall which on investigation turn out to be these two reprobates

sitting at the top of the stairs while "playing schools" and trying very hard to be good so they get to stay and listen to the guitar lesson too!