Monday I had a double treat:
First I went to the
Lovely Helen's gorgeous home to help her with her blog.
Unfortunately Typepad is totally different to Blogger and there was also a problem with photo editing so even after two hours of trying we didn't manage to create the photo link that Helen wanted on the side of her blog page. Fortunately I had a brainwave in the evening and a long and hilarious phone call ended with success!

Helen is extremely generous and even though I hadn't been able to help her in the morning she insisted that I take some goodies home from her fabulous studio shop

look at my treats!
She also gave me eggs from the
gorgeous chickens!And before I left I fell totally and utterly in love with the most surprising thing.......................... a cat!
I'm really not a cat fan - probably largely due to growing up with lots of chickens and ducks that were frequently killed by neighbours' cats. The other reason cats and I don't normally "click" is because they are so independent and off-hand! I'm far more like an over-exuberant Springer Spaniel puppy wanting everyone to love me so I can never understand how cats can be so aloof!
Gucci was a totally different kind of kitty! He practically wrapped himself round my neck like a furry scarf and even curled his tail round my arm as I was holding him as if to hug me just that bit more. I would happily have taken him home with me!
Unfortunately I took a little more "cat" away with me than Mum and Dad's puppy could cope with! Because my second treat was a visit to my lovely parents for lunch. Poor Milly was totally driven mad by the cat smells on my clothes and had to go in another room!
Tuesday my friend Jane came round and we spent the day sewing.
This is the bag I am currently working on

Then in the evening I went to the local "Stitch and Bitch" meeting with Patti and did some more sock knitting.
As the meeting is held in a Borders bookshop with a Paperchase franchise, I accidentally bought myself this beautiful folder

Who could resist these patchwork owls????
The eagle-eyed among you may also have spotted a matching pencil tin next to my computer in the
"tidy sewing desk" photo on my last post. Um, I accidentally bought it last weekend on my way home from IKEA.

Wednesday I was at work in the morning then popped to
the allotment in the afternoon.
Dot's guitar teacher came round at 5 but unfortunately Dot had come home from school feeling poorly and had gone to bed so Fred had the guitar lesson instead!

Shame the guitar was bigger than him!!!
After a mad dash to have supper and get changed I then went 10 pin bowling with my work colleagues.
I had a really good time with them all and ended up feeling VERY proud of myself as I was the
only one from the Nautical Faculty to win a prize!
My very own Crumb Hoover!!!

So why did I win this luxury?
Because, out of about 40+ people, I got the lowest score of all!
Now my philosophy is that anyone can be good at bowling, and it's easy to be a winner, but it takes someone REALLY special to be as truly bad as me!
Thursday I was at work all day - made slightly more complicated by the fact that my childminder's toddler was poorly so she couldn't have Daisy and Fred - but we got round that by me starting work late and Mr Locket taking the afternoon off.
As it turned out, it was quite fortunate that Mr Locket was off as my posh black boots broke and I was wandering around with a massive gape where the zip had split and my very bright pink sock on show! Mr L came to the rescue and brought me a change of boots in my lunch break!
In the evening I was back out again, this time for my usual Thursday night "sewing group" (where none of us ever get round to sewing any more). It was even more fun as it was one of the girls' birthdays so we had yummy food and lots of gorgeous presents were given.
Then on
Friday it was back to work again.
Sorry, that's probably an incredibly boring account of a not-really-all-that-busy-week by most people's standards, but it was busy to me!
Thank goodness it's the weekend now!