But however many books we have there is never any hesitation when it comes to buying more - especially when they are bargains - so the lovely little second hand bookshop we found in Keswick was like a treasure trove. As we went up the stairs to the first floor shop we saw a row of books on the landing all marked at only £1 each and look what Dorothy found

I found two Paddington books for Daisy for £3.50

(but she doesn't know where the other one is now!)
and two Hannibal the Hamster books for Fred for £3. I loved these stories when I was little but had completely forgotten about them until now

Fred loved them and lay on the bed at the Travel Lodge reading away to himself - a relatively new skill!

And look what I found for myself..........................

but sadly they didn't have the crochet or knitting editions.
We had already bought Daisy these two books for her birthday

and as we always give a little present to the other children when it is one of their birthdays, we had bought Dorothy paperback editions of Pollyanna and Good Wives and Fred had a Richard Scarry book (that link is specially for my friend Jane to show her who I was rambling on about the other day) and a dragon finger puppet!
But most exciting of all is this wonderful book that was sent as a gift by a very kind friend.

The postie had tried to deliver it on Saturday when we were having a surprise cinema party for Daisy with 3 of her friends so I had to wait until yesterday to go to the sorting office to pick it up. But WOW it was well worth the wait!
I knew I would love this book but I had no idea how much! It really is a lovely, lovely book - you know when you get a book and find maybe three or four things you want to try making? Well with this book it is pretty much every project that I want to do - as soon as possible too!
I just need to find some wool jumpers to shrink (my kind of washing!!!) - in the meantime I am going to play with some of the scraps I already have - but I can't show you what I am making yet so I will leave you with another photo of Daisy's doll (christened Beatrix after Miss Potter of course) in her newly-rescued-from-the-big-bag-in-the-garage-outfit

P.S. Edited to add two things....................
1. Katy has just had the very good idea of a Russian Doll Swap so pop over here to sign up
2. Etsy seems to have gone rather quiet lately so I am planning on taking my wallets to some of the local shops instead. I will leave them in my shop until Monday so if there is anything you want you need to get it now. (that's about as "hard sell" as I get I'm afraid!!!)