Saturday 28 March 2009

Something we can all do

I feel a bit of a hypocrite writing this post because, with the amount of washing and drying that goes on in the Locket household, I probably have an appalling carbon-footprint.

And I have never really seen myself as a good recycler of general household items - even if I do love recycling the childrens' clothes (and pockets!) - hence my blog name.

My next door neighbour re-christened me "Lucy Landfill - Doesn't Recycle" a year or so ago because we had another Skip outside our house for broken furniture, and hoarded rubbish.

But there is something I can do tonight which might help a bit.

And everyone can do it too.

WWF are promoting Earth Hour tonight at 8.30pm where we are all encouraged to switch our electricity off for an hour.

It's a small thing to do but if they get the billion supporters they are hoping for it could help to make a big change.

Meanwhile I need to address my un-green habits on a day-to-day basis!

Lucy x

P.S. For local bloggy peeps there is something rather fabulous happening tomorrow - Helen is holding her

Give your family a treat and pop over to Durham and visit her - I promise you it will be worth it! (and the weather is meant to be better tomorrow too!!!)


Helen Charlton said...

I feel like I'e done my bit- we are a no electric zone all day here . . . . . .what a good idea to do essential electrical work all day saturday!!!!! Rant . . . .rant!!!
Love Helen

trash said...

Please change your blog name to your neighbour's suggestion, it is so funny!

In fact you could have good blog days(crafts, little lockets, allotments) and bad blog days (no recycling, throwing out,etc, etc). Oh please. Go on!

Kaz said...

I wonder how many people will read this post between 8.30 and 9.30 tonight and feel guilty!

I wish I lived near you, I'd be on my way to that open day.

wonderwoman said...

don't know if i can persuade my lot to do it at that hour - can certainly do it during the day - does that count?
i wish i lived nearer - i would certainly go to your friend's open day - it all looks sooo lovely!


periwinkle said...

I try my best to recycle what I can and have reduced my electricity bill by about £30 a month just by not leaving things on standby and switching off things like the microwave etc oh, and energy saving bulbs of course.. I'll try and remember to switch my lights off for an hour at 8.30 too... Don't forget the clocks change too . Have a lovely weekend
Lisa x

Gina said...

It sounds like a great idea but with no light I can't even sew or knit for an hour. We are good recyclers though and I'm forever fishing things out of the bin to be recycled so do you think that counts?

Tacha said...

oops I guess I missed that, but the girls might have freaked out without the landing light on!

We do LOTS of recycling here in Germany. I have to sort my trash into 3 different bins. One for plastic and packaging (collected once every 2 weeks), one for paper and newspaper (collected once a month) and 1 for other waste (collected once a week). Plus we have to take back all bottles to the supermarkets! Phew - it took a while to get used to. But now I feel guilty if I toss the odd cat food container in the normal rubbish.

Lissa Jane said...

we have to sort rubbish here too.. its only a small thing, we have the energy saving lightbulbs which compensate for the 40" plasma and the computers.. I have done earth hour since it started (did you know it start in Australia??? another wonderful aussie invention) and last night, well I forgot, so we are going to have an earth hour tonight and tomorrow night to compensate..

Wish I lived near Durham....


Kellie said...

If only I could go to Durham tomorrow! Sadly I would never make it back in time for the school run! Bugger!

Things Hand Made said...

Looks lovely stuff at the open day. Modern life provides us rubbish, sometimes we have to celar it out. Once a year.. not bad.