Hello! It's me again!
And I'm sooper happy cos I got Jim-Jams!
And they do turny-roundy!

But Lucy said that just because my Jim-Jams did turny-roundy it didn't mean that I had to do it too and that I was being a bit of a pumpkin. But that's just silly cos my jim-jams be bluey not orange!
But I said I liked doing turny-roundy so there!
And do you know what we gotted to do yesterday?
No? Shall I tell you then?
We gotted to go out on a 'naventure!
Firsty we went on a loooooooooooooooooong journey all the way to Katie's house because she was having people round to play in her shed all day.
But Katie's shed isn't like Lucy's shed at the lotamunt.
No it's not.
It's a sooper-dooper shed with lots of pretties in it

and I wanted to stay and play in there ALL day.
But Lucy said NO, and that we had to have our pickernick

so we sat in Katie's garden to have our lunchtime but Ollie and Mattie be'd silly billies and climbed on Katie's willow archy thingummy which grows over her bathy (cos Katie has a bathy in the garden!) and I told them to "Get Down Right Now".
And then we went to see Katie's Treehouse

but it was a bit scary for me and Mattie and Ollie because it was very too bigger for us so we had to be carried up and then Lucy said we couldn't bouncy on the bed so that made us sad.
Dorothy and Daisy and Fred told us all about the otherer time they came to see Katie and they helped make the bed in the treehousey and put a pebble under the mattress to see if the lady who was going to stay there was a princess.

And Lucy bought lots of lovely things from Katie's shed but she says she's going to show you them a nutther day because she wants me to tell you about going to see her Mummy and Daddy on the way home from Katie's house.
Only it wasn't really "on the way home" and she and Mr Locket did drive and drive and drive but it was very pretty out of the window and I only sleeped for a little bit.
And Lucy's Mummy and Daddy's garden is VERY pretty so Lucy tooked lots of photos of their flowers

and then she took some photos of the naughty Little Lockets too

and Fred be's laughing cos he sneaked up on Grandpa Dog when he was snoozelling and whispered "Chocolate" to make him wake up and he did!
The End.