Monday, 26 April 2010

An intrepid adventurer

I should have known that my little green friend would be a feisty fellow................
(I mean, look who designed him)

I just didn't expect him to be such an intrepid adventurer.

After out-staring the fiercest of animals

until he had him tamed

he then decided a spot of tree climbing was in order

although I think he began to wish he hadn't looked down at this point.

He then jumped into my bag and came up to the allotment where he found as many things to climb as possible

And when he'd run out of things to climb he decided to go and chat with the tadpoles (yay my very first tadpoles!!!!) and I had to grab his foot to stop him falling in.

But, on reflection, it's probably a VERY good thing that he is so brave and adventurous, considering where he's going now....................................


Love you really!

And your present is only late because it is taking him so very long to crawl down south!
;o) xxxxx

P.S. Jodie - this pattern is FABULOUS! You are a complete star!


BIG sister Ally said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Love him and I am glad he is such an intrepid adventurer and will be able to find his own way down South and hopefully it won't take him tooooo long! He might even beat my birthday card He He He!

lots of love
Ally x

Mrs Moog said...

Oh Locket - he's lovely!! Your bossy big sister is very lucky to have such a fab new tortoise friend :o)


wonderwoman said...

good job he's got a head for heights!


French Knots said...

Oh he is fab! You though are mad in the head, as your fellow allotment holders no doubt think!!x

dottycookie said...

I hope you were alone on the allotment ...

He's lovely - lucky Ally!

Ali said...

Dang, he's cute! But a good thing he's migrating - I would fear for your allotment veggies otherwise.

periwinkle said...

you have lost the plot lady , but in a good way ... chuckle ... he really is great .

Anonymous said...

I think you need to be stitching another one as you seem to be having so much fun together! He is adorable as are all of your pictures - especially the one of him and bunny sitting side by side. Too sweet for words :0)

Thimbleanna said...

Lucky, lucky Big Sis! He's adorable! I do hope he didn't slurp any tadpoles. How fun for the children!

Jo in TAS said...

Good to see another of Ernst's relatives! He's gorgeous Lucy, must be hard to give him up :-(

rachelmp said...

Very cute!

sandra said...

I'm so pleased Ernst has a new relation. What could his name be???

Gina said...

He's rather dashing and adventurous... lucky Ally to have such a super new tortoise.

Annie said...

You've done a great job Lucy - Love the pics at the allotment.

trash said...

that crazy creature - he could have killed jimself up on that bean wigwam! What were you thinking?? Thank goodness he has headed somewhere safer!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! He looks so lovely and cute and cuddly!! He's a bit of an adventurer though... maybe he should be a little more careful?! ;)

Lina said...

Cuteness indeed!

Jenny said...

What a cute and adventurous soul! LOVE the one at the top of the bamboo:)

Twiggy said...

He is lovely and VERY brave !!
Twiggy x

ladydi said...

Such darling photos, Lucy! You and Jodie are a clever pair.

Emma said...

Oh he's wonderful - and he's been busy! I hope he becomes friends with silver tort


Jodie said... those pics....

Lucy he is just super-gorgeous ...You have done such a great job. I think that pic of him on top of the wigwam planty growing thingo should be made into a card..its just great !

Michaela said...

Love the new little chap. What a clever young tortoise he is. I also really love the bean wigwam thingy - my beans are just growing up straight poles in a line. Well, they will be when I get them planted...

Kitty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kitty said...

Second attempt at leaving this comment. Deleted the first as I cannot spell a four letter word!

Awwww, he is gorgeous. Love the pictures of him atop the cane wigwam :D x

Jackie said...

He just looks so.....vulnerable.

joanie said...

Lucy i forgot to mention how very beautiful bunny is looking, what a nice shiny coat!

Jan said...

Very Cute indeed! He's lovely!!