Prepare yourself for loads of photos because here come some of my gorgeous birthday presents!
After taking all your advice, probably ignoring some of it and following my own instincts I gathered a lovely selection of birthday books for various people to give me

The crafting books are lovely -
Material Obsessions has some gorgeous quilts with interesting combinations of pattern, fabric and design. I probably wouldn't make any quilt exactly the same but I've got some great ideas and I love looking at it all. The
Amy Butler book has some great patterns and lovely pictures but I'm a bit intimidated by her instructions!!! The children's
See and Sew book is just a nostalgic treat and
Apples for Jam is delightful - I love the introduction and the recipes are super (and do-able too!)
The novels are a real treat too - I have always loved
Katie Fforde - happy escapism, ditto
Jill Mansell, and I can't wait to read the new
Gil McNeil book as I totally loved
"Diva's Don't Knit" and re-read it immediately after I finished it. The two
Robert Muchamores are sort of shared with Dot - she got some for her birthday and I'm totally hooked now so we did a deal!
Another present that I sort of chose for myself was this selection of fabric from this
Etsy shop - really reasonable and fairly speedy postage too - and I LOVE THEM!!!

The children made me some gorgeous cards including this one which was a Team Locket production - I got to lie on Dot's bed reading for the afternoon with supplies of tea, coffee and then wine delivered by room service while they worked on it - and that was before it was even my birthday!

and this is the message on the envelope from Fred's card

which reads "big hug (arms and hands) big kiss inside" - so adorable!
and my lovely niece Em (you meet her in the comments sometimes) made me this fab paper crane mobile - with her last sheet of ladybird origami for the top one.

I had lots of other lovely presents including wine glasses (so I don't have to drink from mugs anymore), beer glasses (ditto), beautiful chicken bowls, money for clothes, jewellery, a Sandi Thom CD, a beautiful mug and some very funny magnets (more of them in a later post) and this scrumptious cake from Granny Biscuit

decorated with jelly dinosaurs by the little Lockets.
Then I received two parcels through the post.....................
One from the other side of the pond

a gift from
Clara - aka Working Mom Knits
these gorgeous height chart patterns for both boys and girls and a lovely card by
Annie. Thank you so much Clara - it is such a lovely gift and a real surprise too!
And then one from closer to home - my lovely mad friend
Everything came in a cardboard box wrapped in newspaper so I got to read some of her southern gossip and when I opened it I found this

one of Lesley's absolutely beautiful fabric boxes with my favourite birds appliqued on the front - and it was full of all these other parcels.
and an envelope with this message

and what a fabulous birthday card it is too

with the fabric like my childhood duvet cover on the back

I absolutely love it - it will be going on my quilt wall soon but for the moment it is on the wall opposite so I can enjoy it all on its own!
and then look what was inside all those parcels - loads and loads of gorgeous goodness

sock wool, stickers, badges, lavender soap (is she trying to tell me something?) and some very professional looking "hand made" labels - and see if you can spot the beautiful ceramic button - all fabulous! But look at these gorgeous fabrics

I'm so excited by these - but don't know if I can bear to cut into them! Lesley rang me from the shop when she was buying them - just as my car had broken down, so it was a lovely diversion!!!
So as you can see I have had a fabtastic birthday and my wrist is pretty much better now - well it was until this evening when I caught my thumb in the bib of my apron when I was cooking the children's supper and bent it back hard jarring my wrist again :(
But enough of that - I'll leave you with a photo of the gorgeous wrapping paper from my BIG SIS

perfect isn't it? Thank you Ally!