And this is not just any card.
This is a bona-fide, custom-designed, totally original, rather wacky, Trashy Office Donkey card!
(just humour me and try to read that like the M&S food adverts ok?)

It is so fab

and it even has a picture of my new "dog" inside!
Thanks so much Trashy - it made me laugh out loud - I just wish I could take it to work with me, but I don't think I know them well enough for that!
And for those doubting Thomas' out there - I have to say that it was definitely me, Mrs Locket who tidied the sewing table - and it isn't tidy because I haven't been crafting. It is tidy SO I could craft!
Looky here - my new go-to-work-and-carry-all-my-new-files-while-still-looking-smart-with-my-new-posh-coat-bag!

made out of two of my friend's jumpers that I boiled to death. I'm not showing you any close ups because it is all rather winky-wonky - I don't think my sewing machine was very pleased with me after I made it sew through such thick materials and I made it rather quickly yesterday afternoon (after tidying the table). But I'm rather pleased with how it looks and it has some useful pockets in the lining.
But if I hadn't tidied my table I wouldn't have been able to do it - so there!
And I also started this stitchery yesterday using the free wee wonderfuls pattern. I tried using a hoop but I just can't get used to it so went back to scrunching the fabric and wadding up in my hands as I sewed.

And I'll leave you today with a photo of Dot's lucky stone necklace (that I made when I was about 13), and the lovely fabrics Lesley gave me for my birthday that I plan to use for my file cover.

P.S. Edited to add: you are very lucky to have seen the necklace as it has now broken! Dot is desperately trying to re-thread it on "the authentic original wool" but I don't think it will work!