My problem comes from the fact that I am a scientific dunce with not one shred of scientific geekery to be seen.
How could such a very good bloggy friend have a competition where I was so obviously going to fail?
Was she really such a very good bloggy friend after all?
But then I realised..............................
you can still be a geek even if you are not scientifically-minded!
There's hope for me yet!
Here are some rather useful definitions of "geek"
"Geek is a common term for someone who is obsessed by their computer"
yup - I think I can relate to that one
"Geeks tend to spend every possible waking minute glued to their computer. ..."
hmmm, that one's true too...............
"eccentric: a person with an unusual or odd personality "
well this one is just perfect!
And if you look at this part of one of the definitions "Normally wears a tanktop, thick rimmed glasses and a bow-tie" then I score quite well - my glasses are very thick rimmed (but I'm not trendy enough to carry them off)
and I've just celebrated my nearly-mended-wrist by knitting this rather fetching little tank-top (you'll find out who it is for on Monday)
so I just need to find myself a bow-tie which I'm sure won't be too hard. I could always crochet one.............................
I reckon I could earn some extra geekerage points for the table I've just made for Dot's homework projects
or for the fact that I ALWAYS use Excel Spreadsheets when I organise a blog-swap
and what about my obsessive need to make things that match - for example, Dot's bag, pencil case, wallet and soon to be created pencil roll and P.E. bag. She has a really lovely pencil-roll already but it bugs me that it doesn't match the rest of her stuff;
and then there's the fact that I love theme-ing all the children's birthday presents - i.e dinosaurs (Fred's 6th), horses (Daisy's 8th) etc.
And I'm really, really obsessively messy - that should get me loads of bonus points I reckon.
Howe could you ever have doubted your geekery? You're one of us, Locket ;-)
Now, nerdery might be another matter ...
i don't know if i have much chance in this league table - reckon i'll be bottom, unless being obsessive about not using carrier bags counts!
You can check your geek/nerd credentials on my blog.
Hmmm. Excellent geekage. Methinks you qualify! Have you had that banner pic up forever and I've just missed it? I LOVE it -- so cute of the little Lockets.
Ok, now an end to this love-fest. What's with you moving in on my troll territory and being the first commenter on her posts. Did Trashy run you off from ric racs and now you're beating up on me??? I've politely asked the proprietress to send me some 1/8" bias binding so I'll be ready for you next time LOL!
Marvellous post Locket for which you are hearby awarded 50 Geek Points.
Sadly you interrupted me whilst watching River Cottage, dreaming of self-sufficiency and pondering the year-roung veg growing possibilities of poly-tunnels. For this anti-geek action I'm afraid 20 Geek Points will have to be taken away.
All is not lost though! For having such sheer dedication to Geekery that you coerced your poor daughter into phoning me to tell me where my missing apostrophe was, whilst you were in the background slooshing around in the bath, you have gained a substantial 40 points.
Now I shall return to Hugh and his ponderings on bacon-making :)
p.s. please note all points are given in a totally arbitrary fashion. The judges decision is final.
Oh pants - I just dropped ANOTHER apostrophe.
I meant to say 'judge's decision'...of course!
Hmmm, looks to me like you're trying to curry favour with the person who awards Geek Points, Mrs L-P!
I'm in the competition but am, I fear, destined for bottom of the table ... ooh just thought - you don't think I could get 'relegated' do you? :-O Oh the shame.
I love the Excel homework thing - would I earn geek points for helping No.1 make a fabric plant cell for her 'make a 3d model of a cell' homework?
I find it so comforting to find such like minded people out there, even if you're on the other side of the world. Love your new header btw
Yes...You are a geek!
You simply sound like a devoted Mum to me. The messy part is the fun bit and to be creative what is a little mess to worry about eh? How about my giveaway, it is a bag with MATCHING purse.
I wouldn't know how to do a spread sheet if it bit me in the bum so definately exta points there. Your new banner is lovely - very summery
lisa x
geekery points for grammar? Oh, I could sooooooo win this....
Hehe, I'm sniggering at the spreadsheets.
That should be used as a definiation for Geekery ;)
Sounds wonderfully geeky to me... not sure I can compete although I do tend to be just a tad obsessive about things!
GEEK!...I think we're all guilty of geekery :D
I L-O-V-E that little tank top - a certain woolly somebody is cooing with excitement.
You make a lovely geek Lucy!
oh oh who is the tank top for! is it for me! I don't think it will fit :/
Now you have to make a geek check checklist so we can all measure ourselves. It would make a great quiz. Glad your wrist is almost better. On a serious note it may be several weeks before it is fit for housework.
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