funny, funny, funny pictures of my fabulous trip down under! I feel so honoured to have been allowed to join in all the fun at the Trash and Treasure meet up!
I just had no idea what
Jodie was planning when I got this email from her last week
Hey Lucy , you know the pic of you on your blog when you are a little girl - the one we all think you must still look like??? Anyway can you email that to me????? Please????? No questions.........just trust me.....
But now there is a flat version of me, who knows where else I could go?! (I just wish I was as cute and slim in profile as the other 2-D me!)
Apparently I behaved true to form......................
You had a quite a busy day yesterday - I am surprised you are out of bed.
Dinner at annies was fun , even if you did have a few drinks and fall off the couch. Of course you loved hanging out in the chook pen.
It was such a great day and I was driving home with you in the car seat next to me last night about 11.30 having a lovely conversation and you know what - after 12 or more hours of straight blogmeet - you were still smiling......
Sounds just like me! (I used to spend many a happy hour sitting in our chicken run with a book when I was a child!!!)

Meanwhile the much older and plumper version of me has been busy being corrupted into spending money on crafty supplies which I'm sure you all know I don't normally do!!!
As I said before, I blame Lucy.
No! Not ME!
This Lucy!With her incredibly beautiful and inspiring and fairly-new-to-me
blog. Such pretty, pretty colours and lovely photos - I just want to invite myself round for tea!
So I simply had to top up my stash of double knit cottons so I could have a play with some of her
crochet patterns.

It wasn't my fault that Fred was at a party on Saturday and there wasn't really enough time to come home and then go back to pick him up. It wasn't my fault that there happened to be a wool shop nearby while I was waiting. And it really wasn't my fault that the cottons jumped off the shelf and into my arms was it?

Actually a really lovely thing happened at the wool shop. I was tootling around looking at all the pretty colours when an elderly lady entered the shop and asked the shopkeeper if she could show her how to do treble (US double) crochet. The shopkeeper said she couldn't as she wasn't a crochet-er so I piped up "I can show you if you like!" So I did. And it was such a lovely feeling being able to help this lady. I think she had been a crochet-er but had forgotten some of the stitches. So I left with a really happy glow having helped someone out!

Now if she had asked about a double then I wouldn't have been able to help because I've forgotten how! Trebles are well and truly hooked (geddit?) in my brain because of the ripple blanket.
Which is my swish lead in to this photo

It's getting bigger but there is still loads to do. I'm thinking of
pinching borrowing some of Dot's Christmas crochet wools because they are just the colours I need next.................................