Well the half term holiday is nearly over but we have had lots of fun - mostly doing nothing much at all!
One of the highlights has been the children's radio station "Century P.I.T".
The two girls came up with the idea early on in the week (I knew that hiding the Playstation was a good idea) and then Fred joined in later. The P.I.T stands for the initials of their real names (it's a great acronym because the house is always a PIT or turn it round and it's a TIP!)
Here is where it was located.

Well actually HERE!

Mr Locket and I sat in our comfy chairs and I was allowed to do my knitting while they entertained us with commentary, jokes, music, traffic and a Horrid Henry story!
Dorothy did the main talking
with Fred doing the jingle "welcome to Century P.I.Teeeeeeeeeeee!" and the traffic,
while Daisy was the DJ and story teller!
It was absolutely brilliant and lovely - and is something we will all remember far longer than hours spent on the playstation! The three of them are currently upstairs playing schools with Dorothy setting the other two loads of homework (a very regular game in this house!) They still keep asking if they can have the Playstation back but I am holding out for as long as I can! They only got it at Christmas because I have avoided getting anything like it and while it is good fun it can cause a lot of arguments so it has been hiding for about a month now!
We have also had more time sewing around the table with Daisy and Fred winding my threads onto cards and stitching their cushions while Dorothy "revised" for her SATs in May.
Mr Locket was on holiday yesterday so we had a day out. We headed about 40 miles north to Alnwick - not to visit the famous castle and gardens, but instead to go to
Barter Books - an amazing second hand bookshop in the old railway station. You can spend hours there (but wrap up warmly because it is freezing!)

We all got lots of books - Dorothy got the second and third in the Philip Pullman Dark Materials trilogy because she has nearly finished the first, and some Nancy Drew books. Daisy got a large Beatrix Potter book in preparation for our holiday in the Lake District for her birthday and Fred got a gorgeous dragon book and Mr Locket got a biography of an athlete.

My book has to be the best of all (although I think the children would disagree). Mr Locket found it for me (which makes it special in any case) and it is absolutely lovely.

This is my favourite photo from inside (so far!) - this picture made from stamps is just amazing. I can't wait to read it all - and hopefully if I sit at the table with it I will be able to knit and read at the same time!
We have spent this morning with lovely friends that we don't get to see often enough - "HELLO TO ALL OF YOU!!!! Thanks for playing so nicely with the Little Lockets"
and I am meant to be sewing wallets now ready to go into my Etsy shop which is desperate need of an update! I'll let you know when I get them in there!

As far as the Easter swap is concerned, you should all have received your swap partner's questionnaire (it takes ages to get them all sent out but I have finished it at last!) - if you haven't got yours yet please leave a comment on this post as some emails seem to be failing to get through.
I realised today that I had made a mistake with the posting date for this swap. I put March 23rd which is actually Easter Sunday (durr!!!) when I meant to put March 17th. If you can possibly post by Monday 17th that would be best but I don't want this change of date to put people off. As long as you keep in contact with your partner so she knows when to expect her parcel that is fine.

Most of you have received your Valentine's swap parcel but I am still waiting to hear about 15 so could you keep letting me know as your parcel arrives and please blog about it to publicly thank your partner. Do let me know if there are any problems.
Sorry - this has been a very long post - congratulations if you have made it this far!
Have a great weekend. Lucy xx