I'm feeling very excited because on 14th March I am going to be getting up ridiculously early and travelling down to London with my sewing friends to go to the
Country Living Spring Fair!!!!
One of the local papers has been doing a promotion so we have been able to get return rail tickets for only £18 which is a huge saving.
I'm doubly excited because I am going to be able to meet my very mad, very funny, truly brilliant
imaginary friend Lesley for the first time along with my
very real, and Lesley's imaginary,
BIG sister Ally!
If any other bloggers feel like meeting up it would be great to see you and have a coffee - maybe we could all wear a special bloggy form of identification (ok, that bit was a joke, honest!!!)
Gina and
Jane are also hopefully going to be there.
The only problem with this is that if I am going to be meeting you guys in real life for the first time (except for Ally who, of course, I have met many, many times before!!!!) I'm going to have to do some serious dieting before hand!!!
I have decided to go back to
Weight Watchers tomorrow and will add a section to my side-bar where I will show how many pounds I have lost (or regained - but hopefully not!) I am not going to reveal my starting weight because it is too shocking!!!!! (I'm really very thin on the inside!)
One exhibitor that I am really looking forward to meeting again is
Janet Bolton.
I absolutely love her work and her books and was lucky enough to meet her a few years ago. I bought a notebook from her and she even drew a little sketch of the picture I liked best on her stand for me. One day I will get this framed but it is a very treasured secret in my notebook at the moment.
Weird Bunny asked me to show this print I bought from Janet which she had spotted among some other pictures on my wall.

and this is my version of

this picture

My Grandmother's Patchwork Quilt book. I made this a few years ago for my friend "Aunty Ann" but had never taken a photo of it until last week when I was round at her new house.
I'm actually rather proud of it!
It's amazing how good something you've made can look when you haven't seen it for a couple of years!
My final photo is for
Lesley. I was on the phone to her last week when I said "Oh, sorry, I must just take a photo of my curtains!" she asked if I had particularly nice curtains but I just said she would have to wait and see.

So my curtains aren't particularly nice and if you look closely you will see they
are particularly grubby, but the sun was shining and the curtains were still closed (because I hadn't got round to tidying the sitting room!!!!) and the children's snowflakes were casting shadows on the curtains - I thought they looked lovely.