None of us had met up before so I think we were all fairly nervous and excited in equal measure but we just got on so well and didn't stop talking or laughing from start to finish.
Our first port of call was Barbara's lovely shop Ring a Rosie where we all stocked up on wool and I got to play silly games............because you know you are going to like someone when their handbag looks like this

and in keeping with Waldorf Monkey's first visit to Ring a Rosie Charlie let me play "Spot the Pigeon"

quickly followed by "Spot the Dinosaur"

Lots of imaginary and non-existent, invisible gifts to those of you that can find them!
And talking of gifts, when we finally dragged ourselves away from Barbara's to go for coffee, passing another fantastic sign in a shop window

Charlie gave me these scrummy "Percy Pigs" - but I love their German name even more

and Clare gave me my mini-quilt - I had no idea she had already finished it - and I absolutely love it!

Now I haven't let you down today because I did remember to photograph my coffee and cake

and to make up for forgetting last week here is another photo of the cake, this time in close-up - and it tasted even nicer than it looked!

And as my bloggy-versary party is finally over I can now announce the winners of my "you don't have to pay it forward Pay It Forward" giveaway who are
Dotty Designs
Charlie P
Annie B
Lucy Kate
and Sal
If I haven't already got your snail mail address from a swap could you please email it to me. These gifts may take me a while to make because of my other committments but I will try to make them in much less than the usual 365 day limit for PIFs!
Thank you to everyone for your lovely comments and encouragement - I LOVE BLOGGING!!!!!