I did succeed in task No.15 and posted Moogsmum's long awaited parcel to her but before I got to the post office another parcel arrived from her!

I just love her lop-sided smile!
Lesley had also included some chocolates - one for each member of the Locket family (long gone), and the hairclips I had particularly liked from an earlier post.

Rosy came with me to pick the children up from school and Daisy immediately asked if she could have her - "NO! SHE'S MINE" was the gentle response (repeated later to Dorothy!) - I'm such a kind and sharing type of mother!!!
Whilst we waited in the local cafe for Dot to finish her guitar lesson we introduced Rosy to the delights of apple squash and highly dubious dotty biscuits!

So maybe Lesley was exaggerating when she said she was used to a healthfood diet!
Rose is just lovely. I hope she helps out with your sewing deadlines. Coming from the house of Moog I'm sure she brings some sewing and list ticking skills with her.
What a cute little Rosey doll!!! Very cute indeed!!! ENJOY
Are dolls any good at creating little lists? Or are they good at completing them?
Glad to see Rosy is settling in well - she looks very posh in your posh bag. So glad the girls like her even if she's not (yet), technically, theirs!
Dear Locket's sister - Rosy has been trained in the art of moral support so will no doubt influence Locket's list ticking abilities in a positive manner, once the initial photographic euphoria has worn off!
Thank goodness for that - I won't be needed anymore for checking her lists are done and what's more Rosy is REAL!!!
Thanks for the chuckle Lesley
You never know one day I may have my own blog.
Hey, I'm sure your kids have plenty of toys - they can let you have yours!
Rose is very sweet - what great friendships are made in blog land.
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