Tuesday 23 September 2008


I'm sorry - I really wasn't trying to be mean by making you all wait so long to see what was in the parcels! Life just got in the way and I haven't had the chance to update my blog.

So, what was in the parcels then?

The first one had some gorgeous Japanese fabric for me and Lesley - but I forgot to get a photo of it so you'll have to wait even longer to see it!

The second was a massive parcel of goodies from my lovely aunt who had been having a clear out of her craft supplies - look how much she sent me!

by the way, these are seriously large pieces of fabric!

then there was a brilliant birthday present from Maria at Wonderwoman (not)

with a fab book and lovely yarn and fabrics!

and another birthday present - this time from Jane at Craftyconundrum

a beautiful notebook and cover with a pocket full of pens inside!

- I think there were actually more pens than are shown in the photo but the naughty Little Lockets fell on the parcel as soon as I opened it and ran away with some of them - sorry Jane!

Abother parcel (which actually came a few days earlier) was all the way from Australia with these cheeky girls hiding inside - from the amazingly talented Jodie

fortunately the little gocco-girl hasn't started swearing yet!

And finally I very excitedly opened the large flat parcel that contained this book I had ordered from Rachel's ebay shop

it's brilliant with loads of really gorgeous designs in and I have already started two stitchery projects.

But I had been chatting to Rachel for a while, dithering over which Bronwyn Hayes book to buy before deciding on Little Chicken Feather, so I was overwhelmed to find that Rachel had also included the other book I'd admired in my parcel - because she couldn't resist sending it to me! How fantastic is that?

And the book really is fantastic - I'm so delighted to have both!!!

I am completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of my bloggy friends - you are all amazing! And special thank you's to Maria, Jane, Rachel and Jodie! And thank you too Aunty Margaret!


Gina said...

Fantastic fabulous parcels Mrs Locket. I got a parcel today... "the box" arrived!

Mrs Moog said...

Blimey Locket those are some gorgeous goodies you have there. I followed the link to Rachel's shop only to find you got there first and cleared the shelves!!

Just wondering why Jodie's lovely gift was a 'bother' parcel.....were you in a hurry to do this post by any chance? Had someone been phoning you ALL day and stopping you getting on? Can't imagine who that might have been.....was it Uma?


p.s. Aunty Margaret's fabrics would make some mean pj's for the pj party!

PetalDuster said...

There are few things more exciting than remnants of fabric. So much potential. Happy crafting! :o)

wonderwoman said...

i just love bronwyn hayes - her stitcheries are gorgeous, so i will be having a look at that link! great parcels and lovely fabrics. have fun stitching



Unknown said...

what fab parcels ms Locket!!!!

Thimbleanna said...

Great packages Lucy! It looks like we're living in some parallel universe where we're both getting fabulous packages!!!

dottycookie said...

Lovely lovely postage Lucy!

trash said...

I hope Uma made your life better at least if she was going to take all your time up!

Kitty said...

Oh crumbs - what wonderful parcels. No wonder you were pleased! Thanks for all the links too - I'm off to explore places now - no link to Auntie Margaret's I suppose? x

Anonymous said...

pj party! I hear it is a zoo party with bears and dalmations.

love to you both, your big sis

Sweet P said...

Wonderful mail goodies. I just finished doing three of the stitcheries from the Little Chicken Feather book as samples for someone. Now that DS and DIL are expecting their first child I'll have a reason to make some more of the projects. Enjoy all of your new goodies!

Colleen formerly of South Africa said...

Absolutely fabulous parcels. Looks like some treasures for sure. I loved the books. They look to bring you hours of enjoyment.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you are a lucky lady indeed! All those wonderful parcels!!! I love ricracs work!! Thank you for sharing. What fun you will have with all those fabrics!
~Emily in Norway

May Kristin said...

Great parcels, Lucy!
It's so exciting to open and see who it is from and what's inside!
Enjoy it all!

sewkalico said...

Quilty mail is THE best! You have done very well :-)

silverpebble said...

What goodies - what parcels - what bloggy friends! Lucky lady - that's a lot of goodness you have there.

Jodie said...

ahh lucy, you deserve all that love - think how much love you have spread through blogland - and gratuitous donkey doodle pics as well.

Heleen said...

whauw,love all the goodies you show! those books look like a lot of new inspiration.

est said...

great stash of fabrics!!

Anonymous said...

As you sew, so shall you reap. Or something like that. I'm sure it was about sewing anway, which is quite appropriate really.

Anyhoo, what I meant was, all those lovely kinds gifts from people just go to show what a lovely kind person you are!

Sick bucket anyone??


Yummers! said...

Wow... you must have been a good girl to get all those yummy surprises. And you are... sending vibes of goodness in everything you do!!

I love the seed packs!!! What is that silk-screen-type-of-gadget called and where can I find one??

Love to the Locket family!!

Anonymous said...

Great parcels and goodies - I just love it when Postie brings parcels
Lisa x


Fab parcels. Post is great that is unless it arrives in the form of a brown envelope marked bill.

Love the Gill Mc Neil book have you read the first one? 'Diva's don't knit' I guess you have. My copy is doing the rounds.