A couple of weeks ago I had a very exciting trip up to Edinburgh for a bloggy meet up - a very, very exciting bloggy meet up too!
Because this was my chance to meet a very special transatlantic blogger - one I had never imagined I would ever get to meet
the one and only THIMBLEANNA!!!!!!
We've talked so often about how we would love to be able to pop round to each other's houses and sit and chat and sew and laugh but she is so far away that I had always imagined it would be impossible.
But HURRAY for blogland and very sensible people who go on holiday and need cat-sitters!
Anna, TheManOfTheHouse and I met up in K1 Yarns in Edinburgh's Grassmarket (I got lost on the way!) and it was a lovely shop with armchairs and tea so we could chat and laugh and swap gifts to our hearts' content (and we did buy some wool too!)
Anna was one of my mini-quilt swapees and we had agreed to do the swap in person. She has a tradition of only appearing on her blog in a "Wilson pose" and I have to agree it does mean I have a photo of myself that I actually like for once!
Anna made me the most beautiful mini quilt inspired by the larger one she made for her house-sitter-hostess - the fabrics are beautiful and I love the little stitchery! It is backed with the softest flannel - I wish I was teeny-tiny and could snuggle up underneath it!

I couldn't decide what kind of quilt to make for her though so I decided to leave it in the hands of the little Lockets. I was inspired by this post where Anna's EmptyNestChild decided to help her with her sewing one day. Daisy drew the initial picture of the cat at the sewing machine (although I used Dot's sewing machine drawing because it was slightly bigger) then Fred added the larger quilt on the wall, the speech bubble and the "diner". Dot contributed the shelf and it's contents (except for Daisy's little doggy), the mini-mini quilt and the clock. I then stitched it all and then copied Jodie's idea for the border.

And Anna inundated me with presents

beautiful fabrics (that I know a certain friend will be drooling over - good job I plan to share some with her!)

a really lovely sewing kit/card

sweeties for the children - like these - sorry I didn't get a photo of them before they were munched (although I actually think this is a photo of the very ones that arrived here!)
Smores ingredients like these - again lots have been gobbled up!
and wonderful pillow cases for the children with both their REAL names and their BLOG-names on so they can choose who they want to be!!!!

and she used special "smores" fabric too!!!!
It was so amazing to meet Anna and the wonderful ManOfTheHouse who was incredibly kind and patient and long-suffering as we dotted around Edinburgh talking non-stop and diving into pretty shops! I just hope they both come back very soon - or even better, decide to come and live here instead!
And now I must get back to the sewing machine as I still have some things to finish off in preparation for this weekend's BIG BLOGGY meet up!
I've been sat here and sat here waiting for this post - good job I had some stamping to get on with!
Thanks for the pic of the young man in the kilt :-)
Your goodies from Anna are wonderfu (as I knew they would be by your very enthusiastic description of them on the phone) but my very favourite bit just has to be that beautiful photo of the two of you!! You both look GORGEOUS!!!
See you soon :-) Eeeeek!
p.s. word verif - nocker!!
Ha haaaaaa!!! Sat here all one my lonewome giggling like a fool at that one...
I meant 'wonderful' of course!
Ok smarty pants - I meant loneSome!!
That's what I get for typing quickly in an effort to get back to my stamping!
Thanks for the email informing me of my typing error.
Very much appreciated ;-)
I just wanted to know what a "lonewome" was and whether I needed to get myself one - that's all!!!!
You two girls are hysterical -- what a weekend you're going to have!
Lucy! You've done such a fantastic job of blogging our get together. Haha -- you look like you're up to something in your picture too -- too funny! I had the BEST time and I LOVE all my goodies -- especially my EmptyNestChild portrait -- it's so AWESOME!!! You were correct -- the pic of the candy corn is in fact the children's candy corn. I hope they like their pillowcases -- I had fun making them for them!
Next time, we're going to meet at your allotment. That's what I said from the beginning. It HAS to happen!!!
Very envious, very very envious - and I do love that photo of the pair of you. Your eyes look very mischievous!
Have fun on Friday, and can't wait till Saturday!
swear thats the same piper we talked to when I came home for three months in 1998.
Love reading your blog
Fun! Looks like you had a great time and love both of yur mini quilts x
The quilts are lovely and also the fabrics!
Kind regards,
Beertje Zonn
the quit was so cute! very creative using the little lockets drawing :)
pls stop being sporadic! i miss yr daily post!lol :)
Lovely post. Lovely gifts exchanged. I hope you and the gang have a great time at the Country Living fair. I decided to give it a break this year so I am looking forward to lots of pics about your day in Islington!
For gawds sake woman - just win the bloody lotto, grab all the uk bloggers and head over here - you can all stay at my place.....ummmm..somewhere.
Thats is me trying to be funny when I am just feeling dead jealous.
Now I know how to recognise you on Friday - not only will you be the woman in clutching my entry ticket but you will only exist from the eyes up!!
Oooh, I'm soooo envious about your BIG bloggy meetup this weekend - especially as I've just realised that on Saturday I'm going to be about 2 miles away from the fair you're going to on Friday! So if you miss your train home or anything, do let me know and I'll come and gatecrash :o)
Have lots and lots of fun, and as I said to Lesley: please take lots of pics so that we can see them afterwards and feel like we were there too!
What fun! Lovely quilts and presents all round. Can't wait for tomorrow.
Quite envious of you meeting up with fellow fantastic bloggers! What an amazing stash of goodies ... did you manage to haul it all back from Edinburgh ok? Or did it need an extra suitcase?
Have a lovely time at your bloggy meet up - staying in a hotel too, that is mighty swanky Mrs Locket, but a very good idea given the distance you need to travel. Enjoy :o)
what lovely gifts and quilts - and you both look like you are having a good time - you can tell from the eyes!!!
i think i better get an early night - and get ready for tomorrow!!
You, Mrs L, are definitely the queen of the bloggy meet-up! Hope you have a brilliant weekend in London and I look forward to seeing the 'un-Wilson-esque' pictures!
That's so exciting to hear you got to meet Anna too! Such fun! I wish I had been Isabelle's catsitter. So nice to have a home base from which to visit fellow bloggers.
I love the pillow cases. I was on a pillowcase kick last year, but never thought of putting names on them. I really like that!!
Have fun with Moogsmum!!
lovely gifts both given and recieved - looking forward to your post about your next meet up too
lisa x
lucky devil! i went to school in Edinburgh so lots of memories for me. x
Lovely time and lovely gifts, lucky you. I love Edinburgh, haven't been for years, must introduce Twiglet I think he'd love the booming cannon up at the castle :)
Twiggy x
Sounds like you had a great meet up!! The quilts are all lovely!! Hope you enjoyed your weekend!
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