with a PEN!
Aha, but this is NOT JUST ANY PEN! This is the most whizzo-prang-fantasmagorical pen in the world!

My Sulky "Iron-on Transfer Pen" (although it seems to have a rather sunny disposition to me despite its name)
I can happily say that this is the biggest revolution in my crafting life since my quarter inch foot on my sewing machine!
I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!
So do you want to know why? Or have you all been using these for years?
I'm going to guess you haven't and tell you why it is so fab. What you do is this:
1. Choose a stitchery pattern (this one is from Rosalie Quinlan's beautiful book "Gift")
2. Trace it with the new pen onto a piece of paper (which makes it really easy to get all the fine detail - although obviously you would have to reverse any writing/numbers etc)

3. Lay it face down on your piece of fabric - and it can be anything from cotton to linen to thicker osnaburg type stuff or even canvas I guess (which would be impossible to directly trace onto)
4. Iron it with a hot iron
5. Remove paper and gaze in awe at your newly transferred image

6. Be really, really impressed that you can use it again and again on lots of bits of fabric (I did at least 6 prints from one tracing)
7. Have the horrible realisation that you now have to stitch all these copies!
It really is the most fantastic invention and opens up loads of possibilities for stitching on patterned or heavy weight fabric.
So I am definitely in love.
I am also in love with something else.............................
Or rather someONE else............................
which is a good job because we will have been married for 14 years tomorrow
At least it was an easy date for him to remember!!!!
So Happy Anniversary for tomorrow Mr Locket! Thanks for putting up with me for so long!
Lucy x
Oooh, Happy Anniversary to you and Mr.Locket! I love your wedding photo :D
That pen certainly is fantastic- might have to put one on my ever-growing Christmas list...
p.s. when are you going to tell us who you met in Edinburgh? I'm dying to know!
Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Locket! What a beautiful photograph of you both.
Gina xx
Thanks for the tip on the pen!! Looks like a fantastic addition to anyone's sewing notion basket! Congrats on your anniversary! Beautiful photo!
Happy Anniversary. We are all off to my cousins wedding tomorrow!
Great pen. Really love the pattern. It will look fab when finished.
Congratulations Lockets on 14 happy years!!
That's a gorgeous wedding photo - who would have known back then just how much staying power poor Mr Locket has ;-)
Most impressed with your grumpy pen - good job really as you made me order one!!
oh hello, i think you have made me fall in love too!
Not with your husband, although he is very lovely too, but the pen!
It's genious! Are we the only ones not to know about this invention? This is definitely going on the chrismas wish list!
Happy Anniversary, Lockets!
Lucy Locket you are stunning! Happy Anniversary. I think I need one of those magical fantastical pens!
Happy Anniversary!!!
Thanks for sharing the discovery of a life-changing invention!!
This pen look amazing. I would love to get my hands on one like this. Is it very expensive?? Have not seen it anywhere here in norway, so this is new to me.
And happy anniversary :)
Fireworks on your wedding night Locket? You saucy thing!
The pen looks great. I'll have to look out for one.
Congrats on the anniversary.
Happy Anniversary Mr & Mrs Locket!
Now where can I get one of those pens? I haven't seen them here in Tasmania.
Happy Anniversary for tomorrow - what a lovely picture!
Your pen looks rather fab, I have to admit ...
Happy Anniversary to you both! That's a lovely photo, though you both look very, very, very young ... did your parents know you were out?!
Thanks for the pen tip - what a great find! x
Happy anniversary! 14 years! You must have been married as teens!! The pen is fab - I've been trying to get one here but haven't been successful. Online shopping is not that great here in Canada.
Wow, that pen is great! I wonder if we can buy them in Australia?
Happy Anniversary too! Congratulations, Kathryn.
That pen is amazing! It's like it dropped right out of Heaven... I need to get one. And what a lovely picture of you and your Mr.! Happy Anniversary. x
Happy, Happy Anniversary to you two Lockets!!! Look how cute the two of you look! I hope you have a fabulous day. I need one of those pens -- I'm going to have to go on a hunt -- I haven't seen them around here yet. My computer is broken for yet another day as the wrong part was purchased. BooHoo!!!
I'm totally asking for one of those pens for Christmas!
And, Happy Anniversary! Today is my 13th Anniversary!
happy anniversary!! 14th?! wow!! gorgeous you and handsome he! ;)
love the pic mr and mrs locket you both look wonderful...happy aniversary...
I'm saying nothing about you putting your moody pen above your husband in this blog post .... oh damn .... I just have ....
Happy Happy Anniversary, how lovely that you get fireworks every year on your special day - good planning, Mrs! The photo is lovely.
And the pen does indeed look brill .... could you not just leave the drawings on the material and not bother stitching it? Much quicker and easier.
ps. Sadly my memory is TERRIBLE .... hence me taking Ginko Bilboa .... Gingko Billobong .... dangit! I'm sure it's Gingko SOMETHING - you see? I've forgotten! (it's obviously not working ....)
Congrats on your wedding anniversary!
April xx
Ooooh, that pen is just what i need. I HATE HATE HATE tracing things, that would make sewing life so much easier.
Congratulations and Happy anniversary!
WOW I want one of those pens asap...it sure is magic! Happy 14th Anniv to you both...love the wedding photo :) xx
I can see Dot in your wedding photo.
Question.......are the pen lines nice and thin and easy to cover with thread.
Oops forgot Happy Anniversary that Mr Locket is a luck man.
Love the pen too - I want one! Loved seeing your wedding photo. I always think of you with pigtails
Happy Anniversay!
The pen is great, I'm going to have to buy one for myself now x
Happy Anniversary Mr and Mrs Locket!!!
I so need to get one of those pens. I'll have to get on Ebay for a sufty.
Oh, just look at you shine-y, happy, young, and in love - with not a pen to stand between the two of you!
CONGRATULATIONS and blessings on the next 14!
Happy Happy Anniversary to you too and many more to come!Love that wedding photo! That does look like a very great pen indeed!
I have not tried one of these yet, but I read about them in a blog the other day and thought.."Why didn't I ever know about these pens before??" Next time I go to the craft store I am going to get me one.
ADORABLE wedding photo. You were a beautiful bride. Happy Anniversary!
happy anniversary to you both, it's a lovely photo
lisa x
Happy anniversary to Mrs Locket and the Archaelogist (sounds like a book title)... a cozy mystery.
I'm out the door to buy that pen. Hope I can find one! Thanks for the tip!
How's the job going?
happy anniversary!!! lovely photo!
am loving the pen too - may have to get one!
many happy happy anniverary wishes lockets !!!!
I have an iron-on pencil (but it sucks LOL), I'll have to get a pen!
Congrats!!! That's 2 lots of seven year itches you've survived!!! Here's to lots more!!!
Wow, you came up to Edinburgh to meet Anna? She said that you might but I never heard whether you did. How exciting! Isn't she lovely? And isn't blogging fun?
Happy anniversary. Did Anna tell you that she and Mr Anna have the same wedding anniversary as me and my mister? Snap!
First Happy Anniversary yesterday.
Second I must say that is one uber cool pen. I think I must have one.
Ahhh happy anniversary! What a lovely photo that is too.
And wow to the pen.
Its like magic!
Happy anniversary!
As for the pens, I've been a little scared to try one, as they're permanent, right?
Wow what a fantsatic pen! I must get one! Happy anniversary to you and your other half! I hope you had a lovely day!
Add me to the list of 'didn't know about the pen' Thats fantastic. My mind is spinning with ideas, now just to find one in Australia....I love a good craft hunt.
Happy Anniversary!
How fantastic, 14 years x I must get one of those pens too for the scrappy log cabins!
What a terrific pen. Oh and happy anniversary.
Happy anniversary to you and your hubs! And thanks for the pen recommend! :)
Happy anniversary! Congrats on 14 wonderful years! Thanks for the heads up on the pen. I am going to have to get one of those.
bloglines didn't tell me about this post (shakes fist!!!)
that pen looks rather amazing!!! I think I'll have to invest!
Happy Anniversary Lockets!!!
Congrats on the anniversary. And I too am impressed with the fantazmagorical pen.
Ooohhh I missed your anniversry. I hope it was a very happy one.
Wow, that's what I call a pen and I know of a 9 year old who would love that!! Off to ebay!!
Happy belated anniversary...hope you managed to do something special?
Ahhhh. what a lovely picture. Happy Anniversary! x
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